Posts tagged “destination wedding photographer

Destination Wedding | Lindsay + Bob Preview

What a fairytale ending to a great wedding. Kene and Chad had a terrific time at Lindsay and Bob’s wedding. I love these last images of the night, Lindsay looks like a princess, and Bob her prince charming. You have to admit this could easily be a shot out of Cinderella, don’t you agree?



Destination Wedding Photography | New Video of Kene Sperry in Action

So we’re pretty stoked to be sharing with you a new video just posted to the website. You want to know what Kene Sperry and Eye in the Sky Photography are all about? Well, watch the video. You can see why Kene loves his job and why couples love working with him. Did I mention he’s talented too?

The video documents Kene photographing a wedding in Sonoma, California last May. Him and his assistant traveled there for the weekend to photograph the whole event, from rehearsal dinner to the last dance. My favorite part is definitely Kene climbing in the bathtub in order to get the shot because that’s just so Kene.

Ready to watch the video? Click here and we’ll take you there. The video is called “Wedding Day Following Kene Sperry…” Enjoy and make sure to let us know what you think of the video.
